Shingles Pain Calmed

Shelly, I can’t thank you enough.  The (hypericum 200c) calmed my shingle pain !!  I’m amazed how it worked so fast for me!!  I know everyone is different in the homeopathic and herbalist world.  But thank you so much for coming on our shingles post to help !!!

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Torrey Douglass
Reliable support over the years

Shelly has helped me through a number of health difficulties with effective treatments in my several years of work with her. I appreciate having her number to call for consultation and homeopathic treatment when I need it. Shelly is responsive, reliable and compassionate. Her empathy and ‘people skills’ are remarkable.

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Torrey Douglass
Help for Ulcerative Colitis

Shelly Garrison’s homeopathic expertise has been a great help to me in terms of treating ulcerative colitis.  I have experienced milder symptoms, shorter durations and longer intervals between recurrences.

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Torrey Douglass
Recovery from Car Accident

After a serious car accident I was in the hospital for a month with several broken bones in ankle, knee and collar bone, other injuries and three surgeries. It was even hinted that I might not walk again. Homeopathy literally saved me from a much longer recovery and the hospital and doctors were surprised how fast my bones healed!

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Torrey Douglass
Shingles Relief

A year ago I suffered my second attack of shingles. The first attack was likely brought forward by a kidney stone that happened the previous day. That first time the shingles presented with no rash, but the lines of nerve pain could have been drawn like a map on my rib cage. I was misdiagnosed 3 times at my local clinic, and the third visit included suggestions for therapy, implying it was all in my head.

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Insomnia and other health issues resolved

I first approached Shelly Garrison after a lifetime of dealing with Western medicine for multiple medical issues, without success. I have been seeing Shelly, and using homeopathic medicine for a over four years.

The most severe and pressing medical issue I had, was a severe case of insomnia. Doctors could only offer heavy medications such as Kronopin and Ambien. In spite of the heavy drugs I slept at best one or two hours and felt drugged all the time. I felt like a walking zombie. I was panicking, literally bouncing off the walls. I decided to buy burial plot. It felt as if I had a bright light on in my brain that I couldn’t turn off. I learned that mice only live 50 days with no sleep.

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