Preparing for Your HPx Appointment



complete EACH OF these steps before your upcoming hpx appointment:

  1. BOOKLET - All HPx Programs Booklet . One booklet for each participant.


  2. BOOK - The SOLUTION. The Solution, Homeoprophylaxis a Parents Guide to Educating Your Childs Immune System.


  3. PATRON MEMBERSHIP to FHCi (Free and Healthy Children International) HPx Programs:

  4. CLINIC REGISTRATION form for HPx with Shelly Garrison Homeopathy CCH, C.HP - HPx Clinic Registration form

  5. INITIAL HEALTH PROFILE INTAKE, INCLUSION/EXCLUSION form - HPx Initial Health Profile Intake form

    One initial health profile intake form for each participant.

    Fill out, Sign and Return these forms prior to your first appointment.

    If you have any questions, you can reach out to me here.