About Homeopathy
RESEARCH and resource LINKS
HOMEOPATHIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE (HRI) - A repository, sponsor and activist body advocating for homeopathic research and its fair evaluation.
HOMEOPATHY IN OUR MIDST: An Article about Dr. Jose Issac (MD, Hom)
HOMEOPROPHYLAXIS - HP Q&A Free and Healthy Children International
FREE AND HEALTHY CHILDREN INTERNATIONAL - Excellent website for all things infectious disease and homeoprophylaxis
NATIONAL CENTER FOR HOMEOPATHY - Reliable basic information about homeopathy for the public.
NORTH AMERICAN SOCIETY OF HOMEOPATHS (NASH) - Professional body for homeopathic practitioners in the US and Canada.
HOMEOPATHIC PHARMACOPEIA OF THE UNITED STATES (HPUS) - A branch of the FDA which provides standards for production of homeopathic medicines in the United States.
HOMEOPATHY INTERNATIONAL - A great site for important homeopathic works that are free and out of copyright.
WHOLE HEALTH NOW - A great website for reliable resources for learning homeopathy.
ACADEMY OF HOMEOPATHY EDUCATION - A phenomenal school for learning Classical homeopathy to become a practitioner, live distance learning, both part-time and full-time tracks.
HOMEOPATHY 24/7 - International online homeopathic acute care walk-in clinic, with qualified professional homeopaths on staff 24/7.
INTERNATIONAL ACADEMY OF CLASSICAL HOMEOPATHY - A comprehensive classical education in the homeopathic medical system, as taught by George Vithoulkas, in Greece.